Robert Sisneros, “A Feature-first Approach to Clustering for Highlighting Regions of Interest in Scientific Data”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Procedia Computer Science, 51C, pp. 2207-2216, 2015.
Robert Sisneros, “Visualizing the Big (and Large) Data of an HPC Resource”, Invited paper, Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows (ASTRONUM 2014). (To appear)
Surendra Byna, Robert Sisneros, Kalyana Chadalavada, and Quincey Koziol, “Tuning Parallel I/O on Blue Waters for Writing 10 Trillion Particles”, In Proceedings of Cray User Group Meeting (CUG), 2015.
M. Scot Breitenfeld, Kalyana Chadalavada, Robert Sisneros, and Surendra Byna “Recent Progress in Tuning Performance of Large-scale I/O with Parallel HDF5”, In Proceedings of 9th Parallel Data Storage Workshop, SC 2014.
B.D. Semeraro, Robert Sisneros, Joshi Fullop, and G.H. Bauer, “It Takes a Village: Monitoring the Blue Waters Supercomputer”, IEEE Cluster Workshop on Monitoring and Analysis for High Performance Com- puting Systems Plus Applications, 2014.
Robert Sisneros, Joshi Fullop, B. David Semeraro, and Greg Bauer, “Ribbons: Enabling the Effective Use of HPC Utilization Data for System Support Staff”, In EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics, pp. 13-17. The Eurographics Association, 2014.
Robert Sisneros and Kalyana Chadalavada, “Toward Understanding Congestion Protection Events on Blue Waters Via Visual Analytics”, In Proceedings of Cray User Group Meeting (CUG), 2014.
Joshi Fullop and Robert Sisneros, “A Diagnostic Utility For Analyzing Periods Of Degraded Job Performance”, In Proceedings of Cray User Group Meeting (CUG), 2014.
Robert Sisneros, L.G. Orf, G.H. Bryan, “Ultra-high Resolution Simulation of a Downburst-producing Thunderstorm”, Scientific Visualization Showcase, High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SCC), 2013 SC Companion, 2013.
Robert Sisneros and Mark Van Moer, “Expanding Plus-Minus for Visual and Statistical Analysis of NBA Box-Score Data”, In Proceedings of IEEE Vis Workshop on Sports Data Visualization, 2013.
Matthieu Dorier, Robert Sisneros, Tom Peterka, Gabriel Antoniu, and Dave Semeraro, “Damaris/Viz: A Nonintrusive, Adaptable and User-friendly in Situ Visualization Framework”, In Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2013 IEEE Symposium on, pp. 67-75, IEEE, 2013.
Kalyana Chadalavada and Robert Sisneros, “Analysis of the Blue Waters File System Architecture for Application I/O Performance”, In Proceedings of Cray User Group Meeting (CUG), 2013.
Robert Sisneros, Jian Huang, George Ostrouchov, Sean Ahern, and Dave Semeraro, “Contrasting Climate Ensembles: A Model-Based Visualization Approach for Analyzing Extreme Events”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Procedia Computer Science, 18, pp. 2347- 2356, 2013.
Jingyuan Wang, Robert Sisneros, and Jian Huang, “Interactive Selection of Multivariate Features in Large Spatiotemporal Data”, In Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2013 IEEE Pacific, pp. 145-152, IEEE, 2013.
Robert Sisneros, Chris Malone, Andy Nonaka, and Stan Woosley, “Investigation of Turbulence in the Early Stages of a High Resolution Supernova Simulation”, Scientific Visualization Showcase, High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SCC), 2012 SC Companion, pp. 1557-1558, 2012.
Jeremy S. Meredith, Sean Ahern, Dave Pugmire, and Robert Sisneros, “EAVL: The Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization Library”, In Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pp. 21-30, The Eurographics Association, 2012.
Jeremy S. Meredith, Robert Sisneros, David Pugmire, and Sean Ahern, “A Distributed Data-parallel Framework for Analysis and Visualization Algorithm Development", In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on General Purpose Processing with Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU-5), pp. 11-19, ACM, 2012.
Yael M. Camacho Bonaparte, Houssain Kettani, George Ostrouchov, and Robert Sisneros, “Preprocessing Climate Data for Access to Local Spatial Extremes", Poster.
Robert Sisneros, Jian Huang, George Ostrouchov, and Forrest Hoffman, “Visualizing Life Zone Boundary Sensitivities Across Climate Models and Temporal Spans”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Procedia Computer Science, 4, pp. 1582-1591, June, 2011.
Robert Sisneros, “Multivariate Relationship Specification and Visualization", Dissertation, In Archives of the UTK Library, Knoxville, TN, 2009.
Robert Sisneros, Markus Glatter, Brandon Langley, Jian Huang, Forrest Hoffman, and David Erickson III, “Time-Varying Multivariate Visualization for Understanding Terrestrial Biogeochemistry", Journal of Physics: Conference Series (SciDAC08), 125(1), p. 012093, IOP Publishing, July 2008.
Jian Huang, Markus Glatter, Wesley Kendall, Brandon Langley, Joshua New, Roberto Sisneros, Forrest Hoffman and David Erickson, “Time-Varying Multivariate Visualization for Understanding the Climate Science of the Terrestrial Biosphere", Poster, In Proceedings of the 13th Annual Community Climate System Model Workshop, 2008.
Robert Sisneros, C. Ryan Johnson, and Jian Huang, “Concurrent Viewing of Multiple Attribute-Specific Subspaces”, Computer Graphics Forum (special issue for EuroVis’08), 27(3), pp. 783-790, 2008.
Robert Sisneros, Chad Jones, Jian Huang, Jinzhu Gao, Byung-Hoon Park, and Nagiza Samatova, “A Multi-leevel Cache Model for Run-Time Optimization of Remote Visualization”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(5), pp. 991-1003, 2007.
“The IDEAL Framework: Recent Work at the Intersection of Big Data and Big Data, Invited talk, The Third Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing (JLESC) Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, June, 2015.
“A Feature-first Approach to Clustering for Highlighting Regions of Interest in Scientific Data”, Paper presentation, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2013), Reykjavik, Iceland, June, 2015.
“Data Collection and Visualization on the Blue Waters Supercomputer”, Invited talk, Ultrascale Visualization Workshop, SC 14, New Orleans, LA, November, 2014.
“Effective HPC Visualization and Data Analysis Using VisIt”, Conference tutorial at SC 14, New Orleans, LA, November, 2014.
“Visualizing the Big (and Large) Data from an HPC Resource”, Invited talk, Astronum, Long Beach, CA, July, 2014.
“Ribbons: Enabling the Effective Use of HPC Utilization Data for System Support Staff”, Paper presentation, Eurovis workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2014), Swansea, Wales, UK, June 2014.
“Using VisIt on Blue Waters”, Invited short course, Blue Waters 2014 Petascale Institute, Urbana, IL, June, 2014.
“Toward Understanding Congestion Protection Events on Blue Waters Via Visual Analytics”, Paper presentation, Cray User Group Meeting (CUG 2014), Lugano, Switzerland, May, 2014.
“Trials and Tribulations of a Vis Lab”, Panel organizer, Department of Energy Computer Graphics Forum, Chicago, IL, April, 2014.
- "The Tale of VisIt and Two Skinny Guys (A description of the Blue Waters Project, its analysis and visualization team, and their use of VisIt to support large-scale science.)", Invited talk, Intelligent Light/VisIt booth #4216, SC 13, Denver, CO, November, 2013.
- "Expanding Plus-Minus for Visual and Statistical Analysis of NBA Box-Score Data", Paper presentation, The 1st Workshop on Sports Data Visualization, IEEE VIS 2013, Atlanta, GA, October, 2013.
- "Damaris/Viz: a Nonintrusive, Adaptable and User-Friendly In Situ Visualization Framework", Paper presentation, Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2013 IEEE Symposium on, Atlanta, GA, October, 2013.
- "An Overview of Visualization and Analysis on the Blue Waters Supercomputer", Invited talk, CHinese-AmericaN-German E-Science and cyberinfrastructure workshop (2nd Annual CHANGES Workshop), Chicago, IL, September, 2013.
- "Contrasting Climate Ensembles: A Model-based Visualization Approach for Analyzing Extreme Events", Paper Presentation, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June, 2013.
- "Scattershot of I/O and Visualization in an HPC Environment", The 45th Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, Urbana, IL, May, 2013.
- "Application I/O on Blue Waters", Blue Waters PRAC Workshop, Urbana, IL, May, 2013.
- "Why Don't You Stay Awhile? -- Analyzing Data on Blue Waters", Blue Waters PRAC Workshop, Urbana, IL, May, 2013.
- "Analysis of the Blue Waters File System Architecture for Application I/O Performance", Paper Presentation, Cray User Group Meeting (CUG 2013), Napa, CA, May, 2013.
- "Visualization for Science at Scale", Blue Waters PRAC Workshop, Urbana, IL, February, 2013.
- "Parallel I/O", Blue Waters PRAC Workshop, Urbana, IL, February, 2013.
- "Visualization in the Blue Waters Project”, Invited talk, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, August, 2012.
- "Multivariate Analysis in VisIt”, DOE Computer Graphics Forum, Asheville, NC, April, 2011.
- "Concurrent Viewing of Multiple Attribute-Specific Subspaces”, Paper Presentation, Eurovis ’08, Eindhoven, Netherlands, May, 2008
- "Concepts of Fast Mathematical Algorithms”, ACM Southeastern Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, October, 2002.