"Ultra-high Resolution Simulation of a Downburst-producing Thunderstorm"
Images from the early version of this video that was accepted for the XSEDE 13 Scientific Visualization Showcase.
Blue Waters Launch Ceremony
It was decided that during this ceremony there would be scientists speaking and then presenting the starts of jobs on Blue Waters. I had just finished a nifty analytical tool for realtime visualization of system utilization and it was suggested we use that during the ceremony. This turned out to not be feasible, so I made a fully customizable utilization simulator based on the actual code and a design from one of NCSA's graphic designers. The following images are the design, my system, then screen shots from the recorded ceremony of important people standing in front of my funny little graphs. [link]
"Blue Waters Sustained Petascale Computing"
NCSA made this as a general outreach video and short clips of a couple of videos I made were included. [link]
Damaris Gallery
Damaris is an HPC middleware that dedicates cores to various tasks to improve performance of large scale codes. I tied VisIt's in situ capabilities into Damaris as a visualization plugin, and some of the images I created during that implementation/testing were put on Damaris' site. [link]
"One Year Later: Delivering Sustained Petascale Science". BLUE WATERS PROJECT NEWSLETTER Volume 3, Issue 3. NCSA, December 2012. [pdf]
SC 12 Scientific Visualization Showcase
Robert Sisneros, Chris Malone, Andy Nonaka, Stan Woosley, "Investigation of Turbulence in the Early Stages of a High Resolution Supernova Simulation", IEEE/ACM Annual Supercomputing Conference (SC12) Companion Volume, Nov 2012.