Two Viewer Installation

(aka Project Zaphod)

This document describes the hardware and software installation to support the ImmersaDesk/ImmersaDesk2 with the standard single viewer (USER-1) CAVE library and the two viewer (USER-1/USER-2) CAVE library. The software to install should be /usr/local/CAVE/zaphod. The test application can be found in /usr/local/CAVE/zaphod/Demo and to run the application is by running ./Demo apple.pfb At this time, this Demo program is the current testing diagnostic program. To determine USER1's wand with the config file information, the red pointer is USER1's wand and the green pointer is USER2's wand. USER1's wand buttons will also change the background color from blue/black.

Documentation for developing with the zaphod library is described in /usr/local/CAVE/zaphod/TwoViewer.html.

NEW PC Software

The program on the PC needs to be updated with the floppy disk directory \duoview. The program to run there is duo.exe
The config file (spacepad.cfg) settings are below:

	#Space_Pad_Address	772
	#Spacepad_Serial_Port	1
	#Spacepad_Frequency	3
	#Spacepad_Baudrate	38400L
	#Wand_Address		544
	#Wand_Serial_Port	2

NEW SGI Utilities (/usr/local/CAVE/bin)

These files can be copied from the /usr/local/CAVE/zaphod/install/bin directory
Usage: universalPattern display window_geometry x_size y_size trunc text [display window_geometry x_size y_size trunc text] ...

display - display string for setenv.
window_geometry - defines the area on the display for the window it is given in the format "XDIMxYDIM+XOFFSET+YOFFSET" (e.g. 1024x768+0+0).
x_size, y_size - horizontal and vertical sizes of the projected image in inches.
trunc - t - truncated enabled
trunc - n - truncated disabled
Displayed lines are 6 inch apart.
Press: w, r, g, b - for color matching
Press: 1, 2 - for calibration patterns

Usage: trackdedit [-sensors <numsensors>] [-buttons <numbuttons>] [-valuators <numvaluators>]

sensors - Number of sensors.
buttons - Number of buttons.
valuators - Number of valuators/joysticks.

cavevars2 (/usr/local/CAVE/zaphod/Demo/cavevars2)
Usage: cavevars2

This is a diagnostic utility that shows the correct eyes and tracker sensors for USER1 and USER2.
There is only one cross-hairs set displayed for USER1.

NEW SGI cave.config options

You need to insert the following lines into your standard system cave.config file. This assumes that there are now four SPACEPAD tracker sensors connected.
	channelgeom screen7,*,0 - 1024x768+0+0
	channelgeom screen7,*,1 - 1024x768+1024+0
	headsensors 0 2
	wandsensors 1 3
	SensorOffset   0   3.5 0 -2.5 inches
	SensorRotation 0   0 0 1 -90
	SensorOffset   2   3.5 0 -2.5 inches
	SensorRotation 2   0 0 1 -90
	SensorOffset   1   0 3 -7 inches
	SensorRotation 1   1 0 0 -30
	SensorOffset   3   0 3 -7 inches
	SensorRotation 3   1 0 0 -30

	WandButtons   0  0 1 2
	WandValuators 0  0 1
	WandButtons   1  3 4 5
	WandValuators 1  2 3

	WallInitCommand desk /usr/local/CAVE/bin/changePipe0
	WallExitCommand desk /usr/local/CAVE/bin/restorePipe0

NEW SGI shell scripts (/usr/local/CAVE/bin)

	/usr/gfx/setmon -n -p 0 2@1024x768_140s
	/usr/local/CAVE/bin/universalDUOPattern :0.0 1024x768+0+0 66.4 49.2 \
	n USER2 :0.0 1024x768+1024+0 66.4 49.2  n user1 
	/usr/gfx/setmon -n -p 0 2@1024x768_60


	/usr/gfx/setmon -n -p 0 2@1024x768_140s


        /usr/gfx/setmon -n -p 0 2@1024x768_60


ADD the following line to this file after the trackd_bc line.

	/usr/local/CAVE/bin/trackdedit -sensors 4 -buttons 6 -valuators 2

NEW InfiniteReality IRCOMBINE settings

These files need to be copied into their respective directories from /usr/local/CAVE/zaphod/install/gfx. The /usr/gfx/gfxinfo command needs to report the PROM setting for the IR to be at least, Managed (":0.0") 2048x768.



NOTE: Unless you purchase a different monitor for your SGI system, this video format will only be seen on the ImmersaDesk projector. You can purchase a monitor that can scan this format. Suggested models at this time are Panasonic Pro P21 and Hitachi Supreme 803.

HARDWARE components

Two StereoGraphics wired glasses with mounted tracking receiver.
OPTIONAL Two StereoGraphics wired glasses without mounted tracking receiver.
Two standard ImmersaDesk wands.
DUO-MUX interface.
DUO-Controller interface.

Assembly of the HARDWARE components

Replace the wand black interface box with the DUO-Controller interface
box by just reconnecting to the 50 pin ribbon cable.

Connect a BNC-T adapter with the stereo-sync line cable from the SGI
computer and connect a BNC cable from this BNC-T to the STEREO line
input on the DUO-Controller interface.

Connect another BNC cable from the MUX SYNC out on the DUO-Controller
interface to the MUX SYNC in on the DUO-MUX interface.

Connect USER-1 StereoGraphics wired glasses with a mounted tracking
receiver into one of the RJ11 ports for USER-1 on the DUO-Controller
Connect USER-2 StereoGraphics wired glasses with a mounted tracking
receiver into one of the RJ11 ports for USER-2 on the DUO-Controller

OPTIONAL for USER-1 or USER-2 StereoGraphics wired glasses without
tracker can connect to the other open RJ11 connector on the DUO-Controller

Connect USER-1 standard ImmersaDesk wand with a mounted tracking
receiver into USER-1 9-pin mini DIN connector on the DUO-Controller
Connect USER-2 standard ImmersaDesk wand with a mounted tracking
receiver into USER-2 9-pin mini DIN connector on the DUO-Controller

The PC SpacePad card needs the following connected in this order:
	USER1-Glasses 	(standard for ImmersaDesk)
	USER1-Wand	(standard for ImmersaDesk)
	USER2-Glasses	(NEW **)
	USER2-Wand	(NEW **)
	Antenna		(standard for ImmersaDesk)

Connect from SGI Onyx-IR channel 0 to video channel 0 in on the DUO-MUX

Connect from SGI Onyx-IR channel 1 to video channel 1 in on the DUO-MUX

Connect from the DUO-MUX interface VIDEO OUT to the VIDEO INPUT of the
ImmersaDesk projector

Switch settings for SINGLE (USER-1) and DUO (USER-1/USER-2) modes



Last modified 13 January 1998.
Gary Lindahl,