Cristina Beldica net: cbeldica@ncsa.uiuc.edu
see earleir SORP demo aswell.
Stephanie Tatum statum@soltec.net
Philippe H. Geubelle Assistant Professor Dept. of Aero. & Astro. Eng. Univ. of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign 306 Talbot Lab. 104 South Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801; USA tel: (217) 244 7648 fax: (217) 244 0720 net: geubelle@uiuc.edu www: http://ssm2.aae.uiuc.edu/PHG_GROUP/
Allison Clark Assistant Director, Office of Campus Relations National Center for Supercomputing Applications 152 CAB 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 217-244-0768(office) 217-244-2909(fax) http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/campusrelations/
Allison Clark Assistant Director, Office of Campus Relations National Center for Supercomputing Applications 152 CAB 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 217-244-0768(office) 217-244-2909(fax) http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/campusrelations/
Wendy Tulman wtulman@bu.edu 617/353-7800
Thursday July 9 Meet in Room 3514 Beckman Hosts: Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, Tom Coffin Visitors: Michael Ross, Director Krannert Center for Performing Arts Gary Bernstein, Technical Lead for KCPA Kathleen Conlin, Dean College Fine and Applied Arts Art World 4:00 PM Realtime CAVE to CAVE collaboration with Boston University Virtual Director Collaboration Realtime collaboration from Idesk<->IWall software used to make IMAX movie "Cosmic Voyage" url:http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/VR/grants/virdir/ 4:15 PM Crayola Land & Cathedral /or Push/Pop UIC Art demonstrations 4:40 PMSubject: ArtWorld Opening - Thursday July 9, 1998 a web invite can be found at: http://scv.bu.edu/HiPArt/opening.html.
************************************************************** NCSA will be collaborating in the CAVE with Boston University on Thursday July 9, 1998 3pm - 7pm. email: tcoffin@ncsa.uiuc.edu for more info. **************************************************************---------------------------------------------------------------------- You are cordially invited to a special HiPArt Opening at Boston University's Laboratory for Immersive and Virtual Environments (LIVE), featuring the work of:
Glenn Bresnahan Boston University Erik Brisson Boston University Tom Coffin National Center for Supercomputing Applications Al Colleti Rhode Island School of Design Richard Cornell Boston University Kathleen Curry Boston University Rita DeWitt Rhode Island School of Design Aaron Fuegi Boston University Laura Giannitrapani Boston University Paul Haman Massachusetts College of Art Peter Hamilton Springfield College Matt Harter Boston Museum of Fine Arts School Claire H. Chin Boston University Jeong-Hoon Lee Boston University Robert Putnam Boston University Mark Schane-Lydon Springfield College Karlo Takki Independent Stephen Thompson Rhode Island School of Design Ruth West Springfield CollegeThursday July 9, 1998 4-8PM 111 Cummington Street room 202 (Computer Graphics Lab) High Performance Computing in the Arts (HiPArt) was formed in March 1998 by the Scientific Computing and Visualization Group to bring high-performance computing and networking to artistic endeavors in the Northeast. The realization of our first project, ArtWorld, is a collaborative, networked, multi-user, virtual reality environment filled with animated models, artwork and audio created by local artists. During the opening, ArtWorld will connect several sites using Next-Generation Internet technologies. Talk with the artists and engineers who worked together to make this project a success and find out how you can get involved. If you are an artist, graphic designer, 3D computer graphics modeler, teacher, musician, or just interested in how high performance computing and networking can benefit the arts, please join us! Visit HiPArt on the web at http://scv.bu.edu/HiPArt
Donna R Thompson Production Editor Applied Mechanics Reviews Heat Transfer - Recent Contents ASME 22 Law Drive Fairfield NJ 07007-2900 Phone: 973-244-2232 Fax: 973-882-5155 thompsond@asme.org
Cristina Beldica net: cbeldica@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Underrepresented minority students, inlcuding African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Puerto Ricans, and other Latinos, who are sophomores or juniors majoring in any field are eligible to apply. Participants are expected to devote full time to the program during the eight-to-ten week summer session.
An in-depth research experience, working one-on-one with a faculty mentor, is the main focus of the program. All SROP students on the host campus meet weekly as a group for educational enrichment activities and special seminars. In July, participants from all fifteen campuses will come together at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for the annual SROP Conference. The conference program affords SROP students the opportunity to discuss their projects with one another, hear talks given by former participants, meet CIC graduate students, and learn about graduate admission procedures and financial aid.
SROP students are required to write a paper and an abstract describing their projects and to present the results of their work at a campus symposium.
Dr. Melanie J. Loots Senior Associate Director, Institutional Relations National Center for Supercomputing Applications tel: 217-244-2921 fax: 217-244-2909
Scott Teissler, Senior Vice President
Steve Korn, Chief Operating Officer
June 30, 1998
8:30 NCSA Introduction, Dr. Melanie Loots, Senior Associate Director Room 5239 Beckman Institute
9:00 Image Formation and Processing Laboratory, Professor Thomas Huang Demos with Vladimir Pavlovic in 2203 Beckman Institute
9:30 3rd Floor Tour: Sound Lab, Editing Suite, Hank Kaczmarski CAVE, Virtual Director, Professor Donna Cox and Robert Patterson
11:00 NCSA Visualization and Virtual Environments, Dr. Polly Baker Room 5269 Beckman Institute
11:45 Lunch with roundtable discussion of possible areas for collaboration All participants invited Room 5269 Beckman
1:15 Michael Welge, Knowledge Discovery in Databases discussion
2:00 Wrap-up
Allison Clark Assistant Director, Office of Campus Relations National Center for Supercomputing Applications 152 CAB 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 tel: 217-244-0768 fax: 217-244-2909 www: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/campusrelations/
Sundaresan "Bala" Bala Emerging Technology Analysis Planning, Finance and Investment Services Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas. tel: 713-241-5424 net: bala@shellus.com url: http://els/pfisfirm/mcs.htm
Bill Sherman demonstrated Boiler on the Iwall and the CAVE, idesk
Maxine D. Brown Associate Director, Electronic Visualization Laboratory University of Illinois at Chicago 851 S. Morgan St., Room 1120 Chicago, IL 60607-7053 tel: (312) 996-3002 fax: (312) 413-7585 net: maxine@uic.edu www: http://www.evl.uic.edu
Demo showed collaborative Virtual Director on the Iwall, Idesk and CAVE. CNRS, the French equivalent of NSF (http://www.uiuc.edu/cnrs), is investigating the requirements of its university labs in terms of networking; in particular, the combination of commodity Internet and research project oriented networking. RENATER, from their email below, seems like their equivalent to Internet2.
Christian Michau and (CNRS network manager) and Claudine Schmidt Laine (CNRS manager of the computing and networking board) are coming to the USA at the end of June for several days to visit NSF, NCSA, and NPACI. Given their interest in STAR TAP for connectivity to foreign research institutions, I volunteered to help set up their visit to NCSA.
Specifically, from one of their emails, they request "...discussing issues
around high speed networking for research, including:
- high speed requirements
- distributed computing
- Internet vs research networks
etc ...
and to discuss possible common projects and maybe connection between
current CNRS networks experiments and VBNS or other related experimental
Jae Allen net: jallen@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Demo showed Dan Fay collaborative Virtual Director on the Iwall and CAVE
Polly Baker net: baker@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Demo showed simple CAVE apps like Aquarium in the CAVE, the more advanced Caterpllar demo on the Idesk and Woodwards sun on the Iwall to 2 Ansys reps and 3 Caterpillar reps.
Allison Clark Assistant Director, Office of Campus Relations National Center for Supercomputing Applications 152 CAB 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 tel: 217-244-0768 fax: 217-244-2909 www: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/campusrelations/
Demo showed simple CAVE apps like Aquarium and Cathdral.
Roger D. Shanks University of Illinois Professor of Genetics Department of Animal Sciences 308 Animal Sciences Lab. 1207 West Gregory Drive Urbana, Illinois 61801 Editor, Genetics and Breeding, Journal of Dairy Science tel: (217) 244-3155 fax: (217) 333-8286 net: r-shanks@uiuc.edu
Demo showed simple CAVE apps like Aquarium and Cathdral to 3 groups of ~ 10 people.
Maggie Dougherty-Roberts tel: 359-2772
Allison Clark Assistant Director, Office of Campus Relations National Center for Supercomputing Applications 152 CAB 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 tel: 217-244-0768 fax: 217-244-2909 www: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/campusrelations/
Camille Gillmore tel: 333-3105 Paul Magelli tel: 244-3407
Demo showed simple CAVE apps like Aquarium and Cathdral.
William H. Mischo Engineering Librarian & Professor of Library Administration Director, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1301 W. Springfield Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 tel: 217-333-7497 fax: 217-244-7764 net: w-mischo@uiuc.edu
Demo showed simple CAVE apps like Aquarium Cathdral.
Kaoru Okui Yamaha Motor Corp. U.S.A. Detroit office c/o Ford Motor Co. Poee Building Mail drop #39 P.O. box 2053 21500 Oakwodd Blvd. Dearborn, Mi. 48121-2053 tel: 313-845-4251 fax: 313-594-7323 www: http://www.yamaha-motor.com
Scott Lathrop Division Manager NCSA Education Division tel: 217-244-1099 fax: 217-244-1987
Beth Richardson net: bethr@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Cheryl Barber Program Coordinator Programs for Older Adults University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign tel: 217-333-7369 fax: 217-333-9561 net: c-barber@uiuc.edu url: http://www.conted.ceps.uiuc.edu/ceps/senior/Over_50's_Crowd/index.html
Rob Pennington tel: 244-1052 net: robp@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Jennifer M. Quirk Associate Director for External Affairs and Research Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois 405 North Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 tel: (217)244-8378 fax: (217)244-1995 net: quirk@uiuc.edu
Sundaresan "Bala" Bala Emerging Technology Analysis Planning, Finance and Investment Services Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas. tel: 713-241-5424 net: bala@shellus.com url: http://els/pfisfirm/mcs.htm
Thomas Ramage Illinois On-Line Network University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 444 Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright St Urbana, Il. 61801 ramage@uillinois.edu tel: 217-244-7980 url: http://www.online.uillinois.edu/ramage
The reason for the tour is to give them an idea of the kinds of projects the University is involved in as well as the opportunity to view state-of-the-art technologies.
Jeffrey A. Oberg Assistant to the Head Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 142 Mechanical Engineering Building 1206 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801 tel: (217)333-6741 fax: (217)244-6534 net: j-oberg@uiuc.edu
Scott Lathrop Division Manager NCSA Education Division tel: 217-244-1099 fax: 217-244-1987
Allison Clark Assistant Director, Office of Campus Relations National Center for Supercomputing Applications 152 CAB 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 tel: 217-244-0768 fax: 217-244-2909 url: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/campusrelations/
CAVE 9:00- 9:20 AM Networked Virtual Director with CAVE5D 9:30- 9:50 AM Networked Virtual Director with CAVE5D 10:00-10:20 AM 3D Visualization of Geographic Data Using the CAVE 10:30-10:50 AM 3D Visualization of Geographic Data Using the CAVE 11:00-11:20 AM The Optiverse 11:30-11:50 AM The Optiverse Infinity -Wall 9:00- 9:20 AM Networked Virtual Director with CAVE5D 9:30- 9:50 AM Networked Virtual Director with CAVE5D 10:00-10:20 AM Inside A Forty Eight-Hour Chick Embryo 10:30-10:50 AM Inside A Forty Eight-Hour Chick Embryo 11:00-11:20 AM Path-Integral Simulations of Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen 11:30-11:50 AM Converging Horizons: Collaborative 2D/3D Visualization Tools for Astronomy ImmersaDesk 9:00- 9:20 AM Caterpillar's Distributed Virtual Reality System 9:30- 9:50 AM Caterpillar's Distributed Virtual Reality System 10:00-10:20 AM Caterpillar's Distributed Virtual Reality System 10:30-10:50 AM Caterpillar's Distributed Virtual Reality System 11:00-11:20 AM Caterpillar's Distributed Virtual Reality System 11:30-11:50 AM Caterpillar's Distributed Virtual Reality System
Connie Smith Vicki Shields Danville High teachers net: dhs@soltec.net
HongJiang Zhang, Ph.D. Manager, Computational Video Broadband Information Systems Lab Hewlett Packard Laboratories 1501 Page Mill Rd, MS 1U-17 Palo Alto, Califonia 94304-1126 tel: 415-857-7480 fax: 415-857-5100 net: hjzhang@hpl.hp.com www: http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/HongJiang_Zhang/
HongJiang Zhang obtained his PhD in 1991 from the Electromagnetics Inst, Technical Univ of Denmark, Copenhagen. From 1992 to 1995, he was with the Inst of Systems Science, National Univ of singapore, leading a project on video/image content analysis, representation, indexing and retrieval. He joined HP Labs in Oct 1995 and is current the manager of the Computation Video Group.
His research interests are in video/image content analysis and retrieval, interactive and internet video, image processing and compression and computer vision. He has published over 45 papers and book chapters in these areas, and is a co-author of the book, "Image and video processing in multimedia systems", the frist book addressed content-based image and video retrieval, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1995. He serves on program committees of many international conferences on multimedia and image processing, including ACM Multimedia 96-98. He is a member of the Editrial Board of the international journal "Multimedia Tools and Applications", and the guest-editor of the journal's Special Issue on Representation and Retrieval of Visual Media in Multimedia Systems. He also serves as an Associate Editor of the Visual Communication and Image Representation journal, and is a guest editor of the journal's special issue on Image Technology for World Wide Web Applications. Dr. Zhang is a Senior Member of IEEE and IEEE Computer Society and a Member of ACM.
Mitch Kazel Department of Journalism University of Illinois tel: 217-333-1259 net: kazel@uiuc.edu www: http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/kazel/
Prof. Alexander V. Bogdanov Ministry of Science and Technologies of Russian Federation Institute for High-Performance Computing and Data Bases P.O.Box 71 St. Petersburg 194291, Russia tel: +7 812-251-90-92 fax: +7 812-251-83-14 net: bogdanov@hm.csa.ru www: http://www.csa.ru
Dr. William Walters, P.E. U.S. Army Research Laboratory Weapons Technology Directorate Terminal Effects Division Lethal Mechanisms Branch Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. 21005-5066 tel: 410-278-6062 fax: 410-278-6564
Dinshaw Balsara e-mail: u10956@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Nancy Testory Administrative Assistant UI Foundation Harker Hall MC 386 tel: 244-3673 net: ntestory@uif.uiuc.edu
David Tewksbury Speech Communication University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 244 Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright St. Urbana, IL 61801 net: tewksbur@uiuc.edu
The course for these students will be a review of the social isues surrounding new communication technologies. The class will look at a range of new media, including cable television, various computer network applications such as the World Wide Web, and other technologies that may be adapted for communication purposes. Naturally, the course activities will often require students to call upon their own experiences with media technologies as we speculate about the future.
I believe the value of the CAVE visit lies with this hands-on element of the course. I want students to have experience with these new media so they can engage in a relatively informed discussion of the potential of the newer technologies.
Click here to view essays written by the students.
Karen Green Public Information Officer National Center for Supercomputing Applications 605 E. Springfield Ave. Champaign, IL 61820 tel: 217-265-0748 net: kareng@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Steven Schomberg Associate Chancellor 217-333-8846 Fax: 244-5639 University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign http://www.uiuc.edu
Alaina Kanfer net: alaina@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Randy Butler net: rbutler@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Jean-Louis Picque Adjunct Director Centre National de la Rechereche Scientifique 3 rue michel-ange 75794 Paris Cedex 16 tel: 01 44 96 42 64 fax: 01 44 96 50 08 net: jean-louis.picque@cnrs-dir.fr
This CAVE demonstration included Aquarium , Virtual Director and Burchard Militzers Crumbs data set..
Kathy Painter Administrative Office Graduate School of Library and Information Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign net: painter@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
This general CAVE demonstration included Aquarium and Cathedral.
Zigrida Arbatsky secretary to Prof. Muroga net: zigrida@cs.uiuc.edu
This general CAVE demonstration included Aquarium and Cathedral.
Beth Sandore Associate Professor Coordinator, Digital Imaging Initiative 454 Grainger Engineering Library Information Center 1301 W. Springfield Ave. University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 Tel: 217.333.2592 Fax: 217.244.7764 Net: sandore@uiuc.edu www: http://www.library.uiuc.edu/faculty/sandore.htm www: http://images.grainger.uiuc.edu
The Library and the Archives are working with Reston's family to make his correspondence, papers, and information about his life accessible in traditional archival ways, but also in interesting digital ways. I'd like to show his sons some examples of how digital information can be visualized, studied, and comprehended in an atmosphere such as the cave.
As we discussed on the phone, it would be very interesting to show the Reston's an example of a walk-through of someone's room, getting a closer view of that person's belongings, artifacts, journal, papers, etc. Although I know that you don't have that type of information, I remember from my visit to the Cave in the fall that I saw a demo of a walk through an art gallery, which showed percpetual distortions that happened to the artist as the result of a car accident. Another demo I saw was a walk-through of a brain.
It would be useful for the Reston's to see an interesting and scholarly sampling of the types of visualization that can be accomplished in the cave environment.
The demonstration was given by Alan Craig.
Judy Jones Coordinator of Publications and Special Events Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 405 North Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 tel: 217-244-5582; Fax: 217-244-8371 net: jcj@uiuc.edu www: http://www.beckman.uiuc.edu
The demonstration was organised and maintained by George Francis' class.
Esko Johannes Hammaren tel. +358 - (0)14 - 602366 Department of Physics fax. +358 - (0)14 - 602351 University of Jyvaskyla POB 35 email hammaren@jyfl.jyu.fi FIN 40351 Jyvaskyla Finland
Kathy Tritz AIChE office 210A RAL 600 S. Mathews Urbana,IL 61801 net: tritz@students.uiuc.edu
The demonstration used the CAVE. In the CAVE Crayoland, Crumbs were shown.
Alaina Kanfer net: alaina@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Jeri Kyle email: jerik@ncsa.uiuc.edu
The demonstration used the CAVE and NL. In the CAVE Virtual Director with CAVE5D was shown and in the NL was the collaborative application of Caterpillar's Digging Dirt.
Melanie Loots net: mloots@ncsa.uiuc.edu
David N. Ruzic University of Illinois tel: (217) 333-0332 net: druzic@uiuc.edu www: http://starfire.ne.uiuc.edu/pmi/pmi.html
The basic CAVE demonstration showing Aquarium and Cathedral.
Sheela Konda email: s-konda@students.uiuc.edu
The basic CAVE demonstration showing Aquarium and Cathedral.
John P. Tubbs Laboratory for Community and Economic Development Information Technology and Communication Services College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences 528 Bevier Hall 905 South Goodwin Urbana, IL 61801 tel: (217)-244-5962 net: tubbsj@mail.aces.uiuc.edu
The workshop used both REL and NL for web presentations. The Immersadesk was used to demonstrate the CAVE technology.
Allison Clark NCSA
Jim Gray Microsoft
Cathy Bridwell, Distance Education Specialist Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service Room 3328-South Building Washington, DC 20250-0900 tel: (202) 720-6084 Fax: (202) 690-0289 net: cbridwell@reeusda.gov
During her CAVE demonstartion she saw the GIS experimentation project
dealing with watershed management by Doug Johnston
Steve Higgins Regional Educational Alternative for Developing Youth 2112 North Market Champaign 61820 tel: (217) 352-6903 tel: (217) 352-0122
Michael A. K. Gross NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 931 Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA email: gross@fozzie.gsfc.nasa.gov tel: +1 (301) 286-9096
Robin Hogen Fisher Scientific www.fisher1.com email: FSIHOGEN@aol.com
Clint Potter demonstrated the
WWL site via a Netscape browser on the IWALL.
Light microscopes and networked visualization
along with some automation was the subject of this presentation.
Realtime visualization of the instrumentation.
Shankar Subramaniam showed his Biology workbench via a
Netscape browser on the IWALL. Software architecture
which ties together different databases.
Bill Sherman and Rachael Brady showed Ribosome and the "24hour Chicken Embryo in Crumbs" in the CAVE.
Sundaresan "Bala" Bala Emerging Technology Analysis Planning, Finance and Investment Services Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas. tel: 713-241-5424 net: bala@shellus.com url: http://els/pfisfirm/mcs.htm
Objectspace David Loeffler Senior Technologist Manufacturing Systems Division www.objectspace.com email: dloeffler@objectspace.com
The ObjectSpace mission is to create and deploy advanced technology solutions. ObjectSpace specializes in object-oriented technology and provides a unique, synergistic combination of object-oriented products, consulting, and training to a solid base of Fortune 500 companies.
John Melchi email: jmelchi@ncsa.uiuc.edu
At a congressional briefing sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on Tuesday, Rep. Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) laid out his expectations for the science policy study he is leading on behalf of the House Science Committee. Ehlers said the main report would be finished by the end of 1998, but the portion addressing mathematics and science education would likely spill into the new congressional session in 1999. A new national science policy, he said, must:
Ehler's visit was scheduled from 2:45-3:30. The following
applications were shown:
1) Caterpillar "DIG DIRT" demo on Idesk (Lance Arsenault)
2) Physics in Crumbs on the IWALL (Burkhard, Ceperley)
3) Chesapeake Bay on the CAVE (Rob Stein)
Alaina Kanfer email: alaina@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Mike Plantholt ISU Mathematics Department tel: (309) 438 7174 net: mikep@math.ilstu.edu
Preston L. Ransom Assistant Dean of Engineering Director, Office of Continuing Engineering Education Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 422 Engineering Hall 1308 West Green St. Urbana, Il. 61801-2936 tel: (217) 333-6634 fax: (217) 333-0015 net: p-ransom@uiuc.edu
Maria Wolkanoswki University High tel: (217) 244-4805 net: marysiaw@uiuc.edu
----------------------------------------------------------- Tom Coffin tcoffin@ncsa.uiuc.edu National Computational Science Alliance (NCSA) University of Illinois, Urbana M/C 476 - 152 CAB 605 East Springfield Avenue Champaign, IL 61820 http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/VEG/homepages/tcoffin ___________________________________________________________![]()