checklist for a98 demo checklist: Tom Coffin - 2,13,17,22,23,24,25,41,42 ----------------------------------- desk app - name & contact #8 2 - Caterpillar - Volodymyr Kindratenko #8 10 - NCSA - Polly Baker #10 13 - NCSA - Alaina Kanfer #1 17 - ODU, NCSA & UofW - Glen H. Wheless #9 22 - NCSA/UIUC - Thomas Huang #7 23 - UIUC - Eric Shaffer #7 24 - UIUC - Eric Shaffer #7 25 - UIUC - Eric Shaffer #4 41 - Indiana U. - Rick McMullen #4 42 - Boston U. - Glenn Bresnahan booth#4 checklist: _____________________ IDesk#4 CONFIGURATION -COFFIN/SHAPIRO * EVL IDesk -Coffin/Lindahl * EVL Onyx2 (6.4, 1GB, 4 processors, IR, ASO) -Coffin/Lindahl * 2 RM boards -Lindahl???? * 4-6 Stereographics LCD shutter glasses -Coffin/Lindahl * SOUND SERVER: 1 Indy -Baylis/NCSA * 1 Indy (additional sound server for BU only) -Baylis/NCSA NOTE: THERE WAS SOME DISCUSSION OF USING AN O2 INSTEAD OF A SECOND INDY. O2s HAVE ONLY 2 AUDIO CHANNELS AND APPLICATION REQUIRES 4, SO INDYS ARE MANDATORY. TO REDUCE CLUTTER, CAN HAVE 1 MONITOR FOR BOTH INDYS. * TRACKER DAEMON: track_bc -Coffin/Long * SGI machine (Indiana U) -Rick McMullen, IU * O2 -Brady * Video camera -Brady * Microphone -Brady * NETWORK: Multicasting, MBONE -Rimovsky * Software: Vic/Vat -Brady/Long * 8 Speakers (BU only) -Robert Putnam, BU * AUDIO: 2 speakers, head-worn mic, line-level input-Costigan/AVW * 4 pipe and bases -Costigan/AH * NETWORK: 4 connections (1 standard and 3 extra) -Rimovsky * 1 telephone line -Baylis * 1 telephone -Baylis Schedule: Monday 1:00-3:00 42 ArtWorld: Alliance Outreach to the Art Community 3:00-5:00 42 ArtWorld: Alliance Outreach to the Art Community 5:00-6:30 19 Science Education with ScienceSpace Tuesday 3:30-5:00 27 Demo of Tele-Immersion Apps for Biological Imaging 5:00-6:30 27 Demo of Tele-Immersion Apps for Biological Imaging Wednesday 3:45-5:00 6 Path-Integral Simulations of Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen 5:00-6:30 41 The Reciprocal Net: Collaborative Crystallography Database and Scalable Visualization Tools Rachael is tech for 27 & 6 Bill is tech for 19 ___________________________________________________________ Tom Coffin