Demo #10, Molecular Docking QUESTIONS > > 1. Each ImmersaDesk will have at least 100 Mb/s individually switched IP > connectivity to NCSA's core network, and from there to the vBNS and the > outside world. Multicast will also be provided to other vBNS sites. > > Is this sufficient for your application's networking needs? > If not, please explain. yes > Will one network connection be sufficient? > If not, how many will be needed? yes > If your application will do point-to-point communication, what other > sites will you need connectivity to? WrightPatterson ASC > If your application requires multicast, what other sites will you > need connectivity to? > > 2. If your application is an ImmersaDesk application, what will the > frame rate be on the following hardware: > > Octane > Irix 6.4, dual R10K cpus, MXi graphics, 256 MB RAM not too good for the larger molecules > Onyx > Irix 6.2, four R4400 CPUs, 256 MB RAM, > RE2 graphics (with two RM5s of texture memory) okay > Onyx > Irix 6.2, four R10K cpus, 256 MB RAM, > IR graphics (DG4-2 with two RM64s of texture memory) good > Onyx2 > Irix 6.4, two R10K cpus, 256 MB RAM, > IR graphics (DG4-2 with two RM64s of texture memory) > > 3. Beyond a standard SGI (as listed above) running an ImmersaDesk, does your > application require any other type of machine/OS. such as a SUN, PC, > or Macintosh? > > If so, what machine/OS is needed? Can you supply it if needed? PC running Windows NT (and with a PHANToM communications card. We'll supply the PC and PHANToM card. > 4. An ImmersaDesk will be available as a large-format, passive display > device capable of displaying output from both SGIs and PCs. > > If applicable, does your application require any other type of display > device? If so, please describe. > > 5. Does your application require more than 500 MB of local disk space? > If so, how much local disk space does it need? > > 6. Does your application require a telephone on the demo show floor? > Will it require more than one telephone line? If so, how many? No > 7. Each ImmersaDesk machine will have the following software installed: > > Does your application require any additional software? If so, please list. > Can you provide it along with suitable licenses, if needed? No other system or support software > 8. Beyond a standard SGI (as listed above) running an ImmersaDesk, > does your application require any auxiliary computing resources *not* > on the show floor (eg. remote servers or supercomputers)? > > If so, what resources do you need? > Have you made the necessary arrangements for them? We'll use a remote HPC machine, probably at Wright Patterson. All is arranged. > 9. Beyond a standard ImmersaDesk configuration, does your application > require any additional input/output devices? > > If so, what are they? Can you provide them? > What is needed to connect them to an ImmersaDesk? We'll use the PHANToM, which we'll supply. Connects to a PC which connects to the ImmersaDesk over TCP/IP. We'll also use a speech interface, running on the same PC. We'll need a microphone. > 10. Does your application use the NCSA 'vss' sound server? No > > Does your application require the use of a dedicated Indy as a > sound server? No > > Does your application do ImmersaDesk-to-ImmersaDesk communication > and require a corresponding audio connection? No > > If your application is a non-VR presentation, does it need amplification? > > What other audio requirements do you have? None > > 11. Does your application use the standard ImmersaDesk VR tracker daemon? Yes > If not, which tracker daemon does it use?