Brett Bode's NCSA home page

Here is a brief Bio.

I received a BS in Chemistry and Physics in 1993 from Illinois State University and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 1998 from Iowa State University. My thesis in Theoretical Chemistry was focused on enhancing computational chemistry via enhanced methods such as a new ECP code allowing analytic second derivatives and through a better interface via my MacMolPlt program.

In December 1998 I joined the Scalable Computing Laboratory at Ames Laboratory as an Assistant Scientist. In September 2000 I was promoted to Associate Scientist. In 2007 I was promoted to Scientist. My research in the SCL was focused on delivering more usable computing cycles to scientific applications. In particular my work examined two significant problems on today's parallel computing systems. First is communication performance through technologies such as OpenFabrics. Second is the management software for parallel computer systems including node configuration and batch systems.

In September 2008 I joined the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois. At the NCSA I started as the manager of the system and tools software development for the Blue Waters project. In 2012 I took the role of division director for the newly formed Advanced Digital Services Directorite.

I am the primary developer of MacMolPlt and the Macintosh version of GAMESS. If you have questions or comments about either of these programs feel free to send me an E-mail.

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